Other Example of Active Voice and Passive Voice

1.Paul Ranch watering vegetables (Active Voice).

The vegetables from the farm are irrigated by Paul (Passive Voice).

2.Miguel Stroll the cat (Activa Voz).

The cat is paraded through Miguel (Passive Voice).

3.The cat milk  was taken.(Active Voice)

Milk was taken by the cat (Passive Voice).

4.Lupita doing homework in his notebook (Active Voice).

On your notebook does Lupita task (Passive Voice).

5.Pepe runs 100 meters (Active Voice).

100 meters are run by Pepe (Passive Voice).

6.Jessica eat fruit (Active Voice).

The fruit is eaten by Jessica (Passive Voice).

7.My uncle plays guitar (Active Voice).

The guitar is played by my uncle (Passive Voice).

8.I do the food (Active voice).

The food is made by me (Passive Voice).

9.Mom washes clothes (Active Voice).

The clothes are washed by mom (Passive Voice).

10.Carla bathe the dog (Active Voice).

The dog is bathed by Carla (Passive Voice).

11.The waitress serving tables (Active Voice).

Tables are served by the waitress (Passive Voice).

12.The mechanic fixes cars (Active Voice).

The cars are arranged by the mechanical (Passive Voice).

13.The doctor prescribes medicine (Active Voice).

Medicines are prescribed by the doctor (Passive Voice).

14.Placido Domingo sings opera (Active Voice).

The opera is sung by Placido Domingo (Passive Voice).

15.Carpenter makes chairs (Active Voice).

The chairs are made by the carpenter (Passive Voice).

16.The comedian tells jokes (Active Voice).

The jokes are counted by comedian (Passive Voice).


Tema: TOPIC 10 Active Voice & Passive Voice

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Как сообщает BBC и экономист Мохамед эль-Эриан:
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Мы убедительно призываем Вас не паниковать и соблюдать все меры предосторожности.
Спец-операция “Коронавирус” – операция по внедрению паники и страха населению с целью деления мировых ресурсов, введению концлагерей и цифрового рабства мировым правительством.

Как Вы видите, выиграть в лотерею вероятность значительно больше, чем заболеть каким бы то ни было вирусом.
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